
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Flat at Playa Grande


Many moons ago, before kids and mortgages, I was able to take a surfing trip or two outside of the Outer Banks.  Back in the late Nineties I tagged along on a Christian Pruitt and Jeff Morris led trip to Costa Rica. After arriving in San Jose midday, Owen Williams and I took off in a rented pick-up with two short boards, one long board, and two day packs headed northwest to the rustic beach town of Tamarindo on the Pacific Coast.
This trip took longer than expected as our first rental broke down just outside of town. Having to wait several hours for a replacement, we were way behind the others and as soon as we turned off of the Pan-American highway heading West we stopped at a fueling station and iced down some Imperial in the cans for a still long trip down a muddy dirt road that meandered through the hills, cattle farms, and villages of what is known as the North Pacific Region of this beautiful country.
Having to stop periodically for a cattle drive or slow down for people traveling by mule and cart we finally arrived late at night. The next morning we headed just North to Playa Grande where it was low tide and flat.  A beautiful place with turquoise water and wooden fishing skiffs scattered about but no waves. I was told to be patient and that was how it usually was at low tide but things would change when the tide began to come in.  A couple of hours later it got big with the incoming tide and the wind shifted off shore setting it up for one the best surfing days of the trip.