
Monday, October 22, 2012

Tall Boy

Oil on Linen Board
Plein Air
On Display at the 27th Annual Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Art Show
Suffolk, Va

Just off of Arizona Hwy 179 in the middle of Red Rock Country is Schnebly Hill - named after its first settling homesteaders, Sedona and T.C. Schnebly. These giant red monoliths surround the tiny hamlet of Sedona, named after Ms. Schnebly, and guard the entry into Oak Creek Canyon. As the Sun does its daily thing, these icons of the Wild West change colors and shadows from khaki sandstone white to radiant golden orange/red competing with the complimenting cloudless blue sky - giving residents, tourists, and even plein air painters ever changing breathtaking views throughout every phase of the day.

New Mexico Artist Leonard Sanders
Schnebly Hill, Sedona, AZ

During a workshop with Western Plein Air artist Joshua Been (, I was able to get a good timed painting in of this magnificent tall boy as the morning sun baked its Southeast face. Teaching a fast paced, big shape block-in technique, Josh had me throwing several panels like a frisbie in frustration the day before, but by the end of the week,  I,  along with other painters such as Leonard Sanders from Continental Divide, New Mexico,   was able to crank out a keeper in one of the prettiest scenic areas of the Amerian Southwest. Temperatures in the low 80's with no humidity and not a cloud in the sky made for one of the most memorial painting sessions I believe that I'll ever have.
Colorado Artist Josh Been
Schnebly Hill, Sedona AZ