
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Corner of Gray and Queen

Oil on Linen Board
Plein Air
(touched up in Studio after running out of daylight)
On Display as part of the
St. Mary's School Head of School Artist Series
Dec.14-Jan 30
At the corner of Gray and Queen  Streets is St. Thomas Episcopal Church still standing as it did when built in 1839.  The first Bertie St. Thomas was in Merry Hill and was built in 1722 under the leadership of the Church of England. It was destroyed by fire in 1831, so the second St. Thomas was built in Windsor. The yard is full of gravestones now, but I decided to paint this as the yard may have looked when it was first built before any parishioners had died.

After a wedding had finished yesterday, I was able to set up across the street under the shade of some Crepe Myrtles and try this one with about 3 hours of sunlight left.  It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon with the neighborhood abuzz with with lawnmowers, kids, and people stopping to see what my panel looked like. Roy Thompson, who lives beside the church, was kind enough to bring me a cold beer in the can.