
Friday, May 15, 2015

Tuned In

24 x 30
Oil on Birch Wood Panel
On Display and For Sale at Seaside Art Gallery, Nags Head

A few weeks ago I ordered Lynn Gertenbach's dvd titled "One Hour Plein Air Landscape".  One thing among many that really intrigued me was Lynn's practice of sometime going back to the studio after a plein air session and instead of using the plein air piece for reference for a bigger studio piece, she will paint the scene strictly from memory with no visual peeks back.  This is a good way of determining what was really important to the artist at the beginning as that area of interest will stand out on the "from memory" piece.  

After first painting a marsh scene with Artist John "Possum" Silver on Ice Plant Island in Manteo a few years ago, I returned recently after watching Lynn's dvd and painted the same marsh scene again, titled "Last Sun on Ice Plant Island".  I had painted other marsh scenes with water cuts, so when I returned home I decided to try one strictly from memory. Definitely having to really tune in to remember perspective, design, and form this was a great exercise.