
Saturday, August 22, 2015

The High Life

12 x 16
Oil on Birch Panel

A few days ago my frame maker headed down to Englehard on a fresh shrimp run. I asked him to bring me some if he didn't mind with the heads still on. He was taken aback by this, as there are many shacks and dock houses scattered about the fishing village with ladies sitting around the tables "headin'" shrimp for retail sale. I confirmed that yes I wanted them with heads still on for a painting that I had in mind. 

After I picked them up from his shop when he returned, I took them home, steamed them and grabbed a Miller long neck from the refrigerator to take down to the studio for a still life. I had the front page of the local Bertie Ledger and an old can of Old Bay lying around to add to the painting. 

People can say what they want, but it's hard to beat a really cold chilled bottle of the high life - especially with steam shrimp that were swimming only hours before.