Oil on Linen Board
Plein Air
One of the last remaining two car cable Ferries in Eastern North Carolina is the Sans Souci Ferry connecting the township of Sans Souci and the Woodard Community along the lower Cashie River in Bertie County.
The ferry pulls itself from one side of the river to the other by a metal cable that is connected to two steel beams driven into the ground on each bank. This is done by a yellow John Deere diesel engine that lifts the submerged cable through it's shafted pullies making the vessel move. This is to keep the vessel on course during high current conditions.
There has been a ferry here in one form or fashion since the early 1800's. During the 1930's the state took over and today it contracts the operations out to private operators like ferry Capt. Eldridge Baker seen here in the pilot cabin.

Capt. Eldridge Baker
During the early 1990's the ferry was operated by David "Scurvy" Early seen below frying white perch on the bank of the Roanoke River.
Capt. Scurvy Earley
Painting the Sans Souci Ferry is a rite of passage for any artist in the Albemarle Region. This afternoon the sun was just right, and I was able to set up and paint the vessel for a couple of hours before someone on the other side blew his horn for Capt. Baker to come pick him up. I was just about finished any way, so I loaded up my easel and hitched a ride over to Sans Souci to drive back home on the Cooper Hill Road.